Online Coding classes

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Trusted by Students, Parents and Teachers

Why Learn Skills Online with Psittacus

21st-Century Skills

Learn skills online that are important for preparing for a tech-ruled future such as critical thinking, problem-solving, logical reasoning, etc.

Self-Paced Learning

Read, re-read concepts again, perform activities multiple times, and gain the most out of your online learning experience at your own pace.

Live Online Learning Sessions

Get your questions answered and doubts solved on the spot during live hands-on sessions conducted by expert STEM educators.

Period Assessment

Test your knowledge and get your concepts straight with regular quizzes and assignments spread throughout the online courses.

Online Certificate

Receive a certificate on completing the course and share your newly gained knowledge and skills with your family and friends.

24x7 Course Access

Take control of your online learning experience by accessing all online learning courses from anywhere in the world anytime.